Help Ukraine Rise Stronger, One Donation at a Time!

In the heart of Ukraine, families are torn apart, children wake to the sound of sirens instead of laughter, and homes once filled with love now lie in ruins. Innocent lives are caught in the crossfire, struggling for survival, while the world watches. But you can change their story. Your donation can bring warmth to those left in the cold, medicine to the wounded, and hope to those who have lost everything. In a time of unimaginable pain, even the smallest act of kindness can be the lifeline they desperately need. Please, stand with Ukraine—your support is their hope for tomorrow.

Welcome to charitab non-profit and NGO pgranization
We track every dollar you raise, and show the projects you helped fund with photos.
Private donors cover our operating costs so 100% of your money can fund charity.
We are aimed at an investment in the community's future. We’ll share the most.

In Ukraine's darkest hour, your donation can be a beacon of hope, helping families rebuild shattered lives
Our Events

Purpose-driven brand ambassadors
Mon, Jan 08 | San Francisco
Lend a Hand to Ukraine’s Future

we can bring healing and hope to those who need it most..